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기록해! 정리해!
3-1 본문
1) 커밋
: 커밋을 눌러야 확정이 돼서 웹에서 보임 (외부에서 들어오는 데이터는 자동으로 커밋됨)
2) 데이터 정의어
DDL - Create, Drop, Alter(수정),
DML- 조작어, select, update, insert, delete
DCL -데이터 제어어 , Grant, Revoke 권한을 부여하고 회수하는 것
TCL - 트렌젝션 제어어 , Commit(확정), Rollback(원위치)
3) 5/17복습
drop table enrol;
drop table student;
drop table course;
create table student(
sno varchar2(3) ,
sname nvarchar2(10),
year varchar2(10), --char(1) / number(1)을 쓰는게 더 적합
dept nvarchar2(10) ,
constraint student_sno_pk primary key(sno)); --sno에 pk제약조건을 걸고 이름은 student_sno_pk 로 할게요
create table student(
sno varchar2(3) not null primary key,
sname nvarchar2(10),
year varchar2(10), --char(1) / number(1)
dept nvarchar2(10) ,
create table student1(
sno varchar2(3),
sname nvarchar2(10),
year number(1),
dept nvarchar2(10),
primary key(sno)
create table course(
cno varchar2(5) primary key, --pk 개념 자체에 not null이 포함되어있지만, 작성하는게 좋음
cname nvarchar2(10) not null, -- 사용해도됨
credit varchar2(3),
dept nvarchar2(10),
prname nvarchar2(10));
create table enrol(
sno varchar2(3) ,
cno varchar2(5) ,
grade varchar2(3),
midterm int,
final int ,
constraint enrol_sno_fk foreign key(sno) references student(sno), --student의 pk를 참조
constraint enrol_cno_fk foreign key(cno) references course(cno),
constraint enrol_combo_pk primary key(sno, cno)); --예)100번이 C123 과목 시험쳤으면 또 못친다고 정의하는 것/ 재시험 불가 제약조건 (없애면 재시험 칠 수 있음)
insert into student(sno,sname,year,dept)
insert into student(sno,sname,year,dept)
insert into student(sno,sname,year,dept)
insert into student(sno,sname,year,dept)
insert into student(sno,sname,year,dept)
insert into course(cno,cname,credit,dept,prname)
insert into course(cno,cname,credit,dept,prname)
insert into course(cno,cname,credit,dept,prname)
insert into course(cno,cname,credit,dept,prname)
insert into course(cno,cname,credit,dept,prname)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
insert into enrol(sno,cno,grade,midterm,final)
select * from student;
select * from course;
select * from enrol;
select * from student
order by sno desc;
4)select 연습
--책 179p 연습
select sno,sname from student;
select sno, sname, year, dept
from student
where sno='300'or sno='500';
select sno, sname, year, dept
from student
where sno in ('300','500');
select sno, sname, year, dept
from student
where sno='300'or sname='나연묵';
select sno, sname, year, dept
from student
where year>=4;
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
where year<=2;
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
where year<=2 or year>=4;
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
where year<=2 or year>=4
order by year asc;
--책 195p 연습
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
where year>=2 and year<=3;
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
where year between 2 and 3; --2이상 3이하 / 앞에 작은 수 뒤에 큰 수
--책 199p 연습
select sno, sname, year , dept
from student
order by year desc, sno asc; --학년부터 내림차순 정렬하고 동일한 값에 학번 오름차순 정렬
5) Count
select count(*)
from student; --레코드를 카운트
select count(*) as "학생 수"
from student; --별칭
select count(sno) as "학생 수"
from student; --sno를 카운트
insert into student(sno, sname, year, dept)
values ('600','둘리','', ' ');
select count(year) as "학생 수"
from student; --5명 null
select count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student; --6명 공백문자
6) NVL
: null을 원하는 값으로 치환시켜줌
select sno, sname, nvl(year,0),dept
from student;
select count(nvl(year,0)) as "학생 수"
from student; --year가 null이면 0처럼 보임
7) group 205p
update student set dept='전기'where sno='600';
select sno, count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student; --에러/ sno와 dept가 안맞음
select sno, count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
group by sno; --sno를 기반으로 그룹화
select dept, count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
group by dept; --dept를 기반으로 그룹화
select dept, year, count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
group by dept, year --단독 컬럼과 그룹을 같이 쓰려면 컬럼을 그룹화 해줘야함
order by dept desc;
select dept
from student
group by dept;
select dept as "학과이름", count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
group by dept;
8) distinct 중복제거 (컬럼의 가장 앞에 씀) 200p
select distinct dept
from student;
select count (distinct dept) as "학과 수"
from student;
select distinct dept, year
from student;
9) group by, having 205p
- having 절 : 조건 where 말고 group by (그룹화) 후에 조건을 다는 것
select dept
from student
group by dept;
select dept "학과명", count(dept) as "학생 수" --as 생략가능
from student
group by dept
having count(dept)>=2
order by count(dept) desc;
select dept "학과명", count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
where not dept='전기'
group by dept;
select dept "학과명", count(dept) as "학생 수"
from student
where dept!='전기'
group by dept
having count(dept)>=2
order by count(dept) desc;
--이 순서를 바꾸면 안됨
10)집계함수 SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN 207p
select avg(year)
from student;
select sum(year), avg(year)
from student;
select sum(year),count(year),avg(year)
from student; --600번의 year이 null이라 5로 카운트됐음
select sum(year),count(year),avg(year), avg(nvl(year,0))
from student; --600번의 year를 NVL로 null을 0으로 치환시켜줌
select sum(year),count(year),avg(year)평균1, round(avg(nvl(year,0)),1) as "평균2"
from student; --평균값의 소숫점을 round로 정리해줌
select sum(year),count(year),avg(year)평균1, round(avg(nvl(year,0)),1) as "평균2"
,max(year)최고학년, min(year)최저학년
from student;
--round(값,1) : 소수 첫째자리 반올림
round(값,0) : 1의 자리까지 표시
round(값,-1) : 10의 1승 자리까지 표시
round(값,-2) : 10의 2승 자리까지 표시
예) round(123.456,-1) / 10
round(123.456,-2) / 100